Meredith dressed as Cinderella! Didn't she look BOO-tiful! Caitee....poor Caitee...was forced to wear Meredith's Halloween costume that she wore her first 2 Halloweens. But she still looked SPOOK-tacular!!!
We went to Briley's Farm in Greenville, NC on October 25, 2008. We met up with Sarah, Ike, Emily, and Allie. We had a blast in the corn maze, picking pumpkins, hayride, pony rides, and so much more.
On September 17, 2008, Caitlin Diane turned the ripe old age of 1. She has had a very exciting first year. She learned to walk on her birthday!!! We are very proud of her and all of her accommplishments so far. Caitee....mommy and daddy love you! And so does your big sister, Meredith!!!
Here is Caitee getting ready to enjoy the first bite of her cake. NOTE: Her hand is not coming up to her mouth.....see following pic. This is where that first bite landed!!!! Oops! Sorry Grandmommy and PaPa!!!
Ok....I know...I'm a little behind on some of this stuff.
We went to the local Watermelon Festival back during the first Saturday of August.
Meredith and Jeff rode a lot of the rides, but that ended when Meredith wanted to ride the "Super Slide". You know...the kind you go down while riding on a burlap sack. Well, apparently we all forgot to tell her that it goes....FAST! She stuck out her hand to stop herself halfway down...and ended up with a nasty blister on her palm for quite a while. Before the slide, they rode on the Carousel and the Ferris Wheel. Meredith also rode on the kid's roller coaster and some other little kiddie rides.
This is when disaster strikes!!!
It was hot that day!! Some of us got a little worn out.