We've been watching Meredith's loose tooth....yes one she would actually lose on her own and not to the demise of a cavity gone bad (is there any other way, mom?) Upon the suggestion of a good friend (Jennifer Walker), we were prepared to give her a marshmallow to aid in the extraction of said tooth. Prior to this venture, Meredith was enjoying her Happy Meal. When she finished, she approached mom with much excitement to eat a marshmallow. Apparently, the marshmallow had a premature effect and really didn't need to be eaten. The tooth was missing! Meredith, where did it go? Where is your tooth?.....Right here, mom. (pointing to her mouth). Uh, no it isn't! Meredith, did you take it out? No, mom. (Jeff starts performing CSI type maneuvers to figure out where this tooth must have fallen.) No tooth to be found. She has apparently swallowed it!!!!!!!
Oh, the tears! We tried to comfort her. The only comfort was that the tooth was having a party in her tummy with the chicken and french fries AND that mom said she would look through....do I need to say it? But alas, apparently teeth can dissolve when swallowed. So in the end, a note was written to the tooth fairy explaining the whereabouts of said tooth.
And once again....she woke up to $5. What the....? I only remember getting $1 for the first and then 25 cents for each tooth after. Dag!