Friday, November 23, 2012

Here I am again! Going to try to keep it up more.

Well, not a whole lot has changed in the 2.5 years it has been since I've last posted.
One change that our family experienced was the loss of our beloved pet, Sparky.  Sparky passed away on February 12, 2011...about 2 weeks before he would have been 14 years old.  We were very sad to see Sparky go...tearing up as I write this.  He had a lot of monikers: "Sparkinator", "Sparkler", "Sparkster", and the ever popular "Damn Dog"!  LOL!   Jeff found him a nice spot in the shade in our backyard.

And as much as I did not want to even try to fill that void that Sparky left in my heart, we now have a new member in our family.  Lucy Sky McCracken joined us June 8, 2011.  She is part Pomeranian and part Schnauzer....aka Pom-a-nauze or Schnauzeranian.  She reminds me of Benji, in color and scruffy fur.

Well, I hope to keep my blog a little more updated.  Perhaps record some of the meals we make and perhaps some of the Pinterest ideas put to the test.

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